
Get Training and Experience

An internship is a short-term work experience that gives you training and experience in a field tied to your major. It's a way for you to explore careers, apply what you are learning in the classroom, and gain relevant experience to add to your resume.

More than 75% of SAU students take part in at least one internship or experiential activity during their undergraduate career. They are working on-site and hands-on in hospitals, accounting firms, social service agencies, worldwide corporations, banks, laboratories, museums, theatre production companies, and more. They are contributing and learning on-the-job within the private sector, government, and not-for-profit organizations.

Internship Types
You can choose to intern full- or part-time and find positions that last from 90 days to a semester, or longer. We post internship opportunities on Handshake and highly recommend you have your resume ready to go by the end of your first year so you can begin applying for positions. Make an appointment with a career advisor today and we'll make sure you are prepared and know what to expect. 

Free Credit to Intern
We believe so strongly in the value of internships, SAU offers a free, one-credit elective for undergraduate students who want to complete an internship. Enroll in Experiential Learning 202 and we'll work closely with you throughout the process to make sure you have a meaningful internship experience.

Career Fairs


Plan to attend a career fair! The Academic and Career Planning Office plans three fairs during the academic year. You can network, find an internship, and get job leads!

Find out more



Interned as Undergraduates

A large majority of SAU students interned as undergraduates. It's extremely valuable experience – and you can earn free credit! Scroll down to learn about benefits of interning.

More About Internships


Why should I consider an internship?

One of the recurring themes in any entry level job search is a lack of experience. Where do you get experience if no one is willing to hire you? The answer is simple: Get an internship!

Students planning to enter the workforce should complement their academic preparation with a range of other experiences, such as study abroad, community service, undergraduate research experiences, participation in sports, being involved in student organizations, having membership in pre-professional organizations, and internships.

An internship offers you the chance to learn by doing in a setting that's supervised by a workplace professional and includes the opportunity to achieve your own learning objectives without the responsibilities of being a permanent employee.

An internship also offers you the opportunity to work with someone who can become a mentor for you – not only in the internship, but throughout your career.

What is an internship?

  • A structured work experience related to a student's major and/or career goal
  • An experience that should enhance a student's academic, career, and personal development
  • Supervised by a professional in the field
  • A typical experience lasts one academic term (summer, spring, fall) 
  • Paid or unpaid, part-time (academic year) or full-time (summer)
  • Key components include learning objectives, reflection, and evaluation (requirements for credit vary by department)
  • Meets minimum requirements for EXPL 201 or EXPL 202 or an internship course through your academic department 

    NOTE: the position does not have to be labeled "internship". Many part-time jobs or even volunteer opportunities can qualify as an internship. 

Benefits of an Internship

  • Career Exploration - Learn about a career field from the inside and decide if it is right for you
  • Leadership and Skill Development - Apply concepts learned in class and provide a bridge between the classroom and the professional world
  • Networking and Establishing Mentors and References - Meet new people while establishing a network of professional contacts, mentors, and references
  • Resume Enhancements - Gain valuable experience and accomplishments to add to your resume and/or enhance your application to graduate school
  • Earn free summer housing on campus for completing your internship. 
Credit Options

There are three options for an internship. Students can work with their academic department to earn credit for the internship. (This is not possible for every department). Or students could document an internship through the Academic and Career Planning Office for zero credits or one credit.

Internship Course within an Academic Department

It may be possible to register your internship through your department. Some departments have internship courses that can be used by their majors in certain circumstances.

Next steps: Students wishing to pursue this option should contact their academic advisor or the department chair to find out whether their major department offers an internship course, whether they would be eligible to use the course, and whether their internship would qualify for academic credit.

If your internship does not qualify for an academic internship through your department, you may be able to take EXPL 201 or EXPL 202 through the SAU Academic and Career Planning Office.

SAU Academic and Career Planning Courses

  • EXPL 202 - 1 credit hour, no tuition fee, pass/fail grade. Satisfies the Management major requirement for experiential education. Otherwise, counts as elective credit.
  • EXPL 201 - 0 credit hours, no tuition fee, transcript notation

Next Steps: Read through the EXPL 201 and 202 tabs below and fill out an Internship Eligibility Form

EXPL 202 Elective Course

What is EXPL 202?

Experiential Learning (EXPL) 202 is a free, one-credit elective course (pass/fail) for an internship.

Why should I participate in EXPL 202?

  • If you are planning to complete an internship, there's no reason not to enroll in this elective. It gives you a free academic credit, plus Academic and Career Planning staff works closely with you to ensure you are getting professional experience, meeting goals, and reflecting on the experience.
  • One of your first internship assignments (below) is to write SMART goals which state what you hope to learn from the experience; these are sent to your internship supervisor. This puts you in charge of your learning, so you can obtain marketable skills for full-time positions.
  • Your supervisor completes a performance evaluation at the midpoint and end of your internship. This feedback is helpful in securing future internships and full-time positions.
  • You will write about your internship which helps you reflect on the experience and skills you have gained, something you can share during future interviews.
  • You will receive discounted summer housing on campus for completing your internship. 


  • Currently enrolled as an undergraduate student at SAU
  • Student must secure an internship that provides professional experience and relates to your major field or career interest
  • At least 80% of time spent completing professional work
  • Lasts at least one academic term (fall, spring or summer)
  • Requires continuous supervision by a professional in the field (not a student)
  • Students are not permitted to participate in internships with relatives acting in key roles of the organization, i.e. supervisors.*
  • You must work at the internship site for a minimum of 75 hours
  • You cannot repeat EXPL 202
  • Cannot be taken if you're getting academic credit for the internship through your academic department
  • Must have completed 12 credit hours of college coursework
  • You MUST attend an internship orientation and complete all internship assignments. Contact for more information.
  • NOTE: EXPL 202 cannot be taken if you're getting academic credit for the internship through your academic department, e.g. CSCI 499 Internship in Computer Science, COMM 399 Internship in Communication

    *In extenuating circumstances, the Career Center reserves the right to evaluate a request to work with a family member/relative on a case-by-case basis. 

Fill out this form to determine whether your internship meets the minimum requirements for EXPL 202.

EXPL 201 Notation

What is EXPL 201?

Experiential Learning (EXPL) 201 is a zero-credit notation on your transcript that shows the university recognized this experience as a valid internship. There is no cost to students for the notation. 

Why should I participate in EXPL 201?

  • EXPL 201 is a great option if you cannot receive academic credit for your internship or if you have already taken EXPL 202.
  • One of your first internship assignments (below) is to write SMART goals that are sent to your supervisor stating what you hope to learn from the experience. This puts you in charge of your learning, so you can obtain skills that make you more marketable for full-time positions.
  • Your supervisor completes a performance evaluation at the midpoint and end of your internship. This feedback is helpful in securing additional internships and full-time positions in the future.
  • You will write about your internship. This will help you reflect on the experience and skills you have gained, plus it's something you can share at future interviews.
  • You will receive discounted summer housing on campus for completing your internship. 

EXPL 201 Internship Minimum Requirements

  • Currently enrolled as an undergraduate student at SAU
  • Secure an internship that provides professional experience and relates to your major field or career interest
  • At least 80% of internship time must be spent completing professional work
  • Lasts at least one academic term (fall, spring, or summer)
  • Requires continuous supervision by a professional in the field (not a student)
  • Students are not permitted to participate in internships with relatives acting in key roles of the organization, i.e. supervisors.*
  • Work at the internship site for a minimum of 75 hours
  • Cannot repeat an internship at the same site (in the same position)
  • Must have completed at least 12 credits of college coursework
  • You MUST attend an internship orientation and complete all internship assignments. Academic and Career Planning offers internship orientations throughout the academic year. Click here to check the calendar of events for our next session or contact for more information.
  • NOTE: EXPL 201 cannot be taken if you're getting academic credit for the internship through your academic department, e.g. CSCI 499 Internship in Computer Science, COMM 399 Internship in Communication

    *In extenuating circumstances, the Academic and Career Planning Office reserves the right to evaluate a request to work with a family member/relative on a case-by-case basis. 

Fill out this form to determine whether your internship meets the minimum requirements for EXPL 201.


Career Center
Rogalski Center, 2nd floor
518 W. Locust St.
Davenport, IA 52803

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