
Our bachelor degrees in 艺术与设计 and Art Education will challenge your creativity and elevate your skills, allowing you to explore and perfect your craft.
引导你的同情心, 的决心, and desire to solve problems toward a rewarding career in physical therapy. The SAU Physical Therapy Department is comprised of a doctoral program and an Orthopaedic Residency program.
Whether you want to turn your passion for the past into your profession or seek the skills you need for a legal, 政治, 或者商业生涯, St. Ambrose has the program to set you on a path to achieving your goals.
The 运动机能学 Department offers three undergraduate majors and one graduate program.
主 of Science in Exercise Physiology
Our program focuses on comprehension and application of 研究 in kinesiology to improve evidence-based practice in health care, 研究, 教育, 健身, 体育事业.
If you are energized by helping others and want each person to experience their best, 健康的生活, in our nursing program you'll gain the skills and confidence to impact healthcare and the lives you touch.
Whether your goal is to defend clients in the courtroom or guide mergers and acquisitions, we offer a challenging pre-法律 program that will help you build your ethics and act on your values. An Ambrosian 教育 is excellent preparation for 法律 school.
In addition to being prepared to live lives of active faith and service within faith communities, our graduates are ready to approach the challenges of the world, 以及他们多样化的职业道路, 以深思熟虑和创造性的方式.
If you see art as a form of language, for its beauty and deep reflection of history and culture, we'll teach you how to preserve and grow collections, 把故事讲清楚, and honor the truth expressed in art.
Whether you strive for a career in teaching, 法律, 写作, 图书馆学, 或者是其他一些行业, 在St学习英语. Ambrose helps you acquire skills and gain opportunities to master your craft.
If you're passionate about wellness, helping others achieve their highest potential, and approaching health and 健身 with holistic confidence, then you'll want a degree from St. Ambrose in 人体表现与健康.
主 of Physician Assistant Studies
Whether you want to provide primary care to residents in rural America or work in hospitals in underserved communities, St. Ambrose has a program to help you achieve – and exceed – all of your goals.
主 of Science in Speech-Language Pathology
We teach you the skills to improve the speech – and lives – of others. 在分, our two-year MSLP program allows you to complete your degree quickly without shortchanging the experience.
你是否想学习法律, 行医, or increase your ability to reason and spot fallacious arguments, 哲学 is the nucleus for thought and discovery. It's an even better preparation for life.
Satisfy your curiosity for other cultures with a major in 西班牙语和拉丁语研究. 在分, you can be a global citizen who learns from every person and every culture. Immerse yourself and see the world through new eyes, 在就业市场上获得优势, and fulfill your passion for learning.
Trauma-信息rmed Care Microcredential
Students will learn about the neurological, 心理, 生物, and sociologic 研究 around trauma in order to work actively to prevent adversity while promoting resilience in others through inclusive, 移情作用的, 以及富有同情心的互动, 政策, 和实践.
Study at a University dedicated to health sciences 教育 and improving lives. Learn from experienced faculty who are passionately dedicated to their students.
严格的,是的. 奖励,绝对. If you're passionate about wellness and helping others achieve their highest potential, a degree in 运动科学 is for you.
Justice, Diversity, and Gender Studies
We believe 教育 should strengthen your dedication to create a better world. Our Justice, Diversity, and Gender Studies program focuses on diverse issues and action. 通过可以买滚球的正规平台, 公民参与, 还有有意义的实习, you'll become a vocal advocate and a world-shaper who thrives – and helps others thrive, 太.
Be part of the change and earn a 公共卫生硕士 (MPH) degree online at St 可以买滚球的正规平台. Our high-quality and meaningful health sciences programs turn your passion and inspiration into action. Get started on your master's degree today!
圣音乐. Ambrose is enriching and expressive, providing the in-depth training and experience that aspiring musicians and educators need.
Whether you aspire to be a leader in politics, 法律, 政府服务, 或者在公共机构内部, St. Ambrose has a program to help you achieve your goals.
如果你热爱运动, a keen sense for business and a natural talent for promotions, a sport management degree from St. Ambrose will merge your ability and drive with the skills to manage a semi-professional league, 经营高尔夫球场, or raise funds for an at-risk youth sports camp.


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